Our conflict management and challenging behaviour course will show you how to identify potential conflict and deal with it effectively.
We will look at how to avoid and manage conflict situations and will teach you effective communication skills and how it can be used to avoid and de-escalate conflict.
- Greater understanding of challenging behaviour
- Increased awareness of personal safety and risks
- Knowledge of the crisis cycle
- Strategies on how to prevent and deal with challenging behaviour
- Identify and work on your own conflict management style
- Understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication
- Recognising barriers to communication
- How to use dynamic risk assessment for everyday situations
- Diffusion and de-escalation techniques
- The law regarding using self defence
- Post incident management procedures
- What is conflict management?
- Conflict can occur in most settings whether that is in the work place where there is a disagreement with a colleague over a policy or practice, in a public setting such as conflict over a car park space.
- Those that work in a position of authority such as uniform front line workers including nurses, Police officers and security staff or care staff that have responsibility for service users and clients will face conflict on an almost daily basis due to the nature of their roles and the duties they are expected to carry out such as enforcing a club or pubs policies or separating a group of people fighting in a street.
- Conflict management refers to techniques and tools that can be used to reduce the negative impact of conflict and to achieve a positive result for all involved.
- No matter what industry or sector we work in, communication is essential and good communication even more as it helps convey a message accurately and prevents confusion. Effective conflict management training will help you understand and recognise when conflict or challenging situations can arise and give you the confidence in dealing with them effectively and to reduce ongoing situations.
- Many sectors face challenges or conflict due to competing demands, workloads or a dispute over views and opinions.
- Conflict – even the word can make your stomach tighten into knots. If there’s conflict around you, whether it directly involves you or not, you may not be able to do your best work. If the conflict is on a personal level, it can affect your home life as well as what happens on the job.
- Effective conflict resolution is a skill that everyone can benefit from learning.
- Most conflict occurs because someone doesn’t respond to another’s actions in the expected manner. There may be differences of opinion, or a need is not being met. Despite attempts to avoid a conflict, it may not always be possible.
Aims & Objectives:
The aim of this conflict management course is to equip the learners with the skills and abilities to recognise challenging situations and to diffuse challenging situations.
- How to act in a manner that is professional and reflects positively upon the organisation
- How to effectively communicate with demonstrators and other visitors to site
- How to use avoidance skills and diffuse potentially challenging situations
- Give the learner the confidence and skill to recognise when their behaviour is being affected by demonstrators
- How to reflect and debrief on incidents effectively
On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:
- Describe a variety of methods for dealing with challenging behaviour
- Evaluate and recognise potentially difficult situations
- Determine how to select the best course of action managing conflict
- Examine the pros and cons of using conflict management skills for dealing with challenging behaviour
- Avoid pitfalls when engaging with demonstrators on site
- Establish how to find information relevant to answering challenging questions
- Apply the skills required to address and overcome challenging behaviour
- State the benefits of effective communication and diffusion skills
- Recognise the changes in their mentality when encountering challenging situations
Course Outline:
The course is designed to give all learners including front line staff, line managers, supervisors and senior staff the soft skills and insight into what conflict management is, how to recognise their behaviour, the behaviour of others and how this can influence others.
- How to recognise, diffuse and overcome challenging behaviours and situations presented by demonstrators to site
- How to safely recognise and overcome challenging situations
- Learners will develop the skills and confidence in using effective communication and diffusion
Mode of Delivery:
Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions this course will be delivered online via video conferencing platforms where there is still the ability to work interactively and ask questions during course delivery.
Assessment will be way of role play so that learners get the ability to use their new skills and gain confidence in applying the techniques learnt.
Benefits of Attending:
- Learners attending this course will be able to use these skills in multiple settings again and again
- The skills are simple to learn and easy to remember
- Learners will be confident in dealing with and overcoming difficult situations in a professional manner
- It will reflect positively on the company that staff have engaged in this training
Intended For:
This course is ideal for staff working full time or regularly visit sites including engineers, line managers, supervisors and senior members of staff that may encounter challenging scenarios.