Inspection, Maintenance & Repair: Steel StructuresAn introduction for Inspectors, Technicians and Graduate Engineers

This course is designed to give a thorough understanding of the inspection, maintenance and repair of all structural concrete defects likely to be experienced on the highways network whilst emphasising the importance of accurate inspection and reporting so that the correct repair is initiated.


Approved by IHE

Course Outline:


  1. With close adherence to the INSPECTION MANUAL FOR HIGHWAY STRUCTURES and European Standards, the accepted processes for inspection will be explained and discussed.
  2. Filling out the inspection form correctly and grading defects in accordance with standards.
  3. What kinds of defects to look for in steel structures.
  4. View photographs of different defects allowing candidates to score them with notation and the results will be discussed.
  5. Identifying cracks in weld runs
  6. Cast Iron Structures
  7. Orthotropic Steel Structures
  8. Discussion of the reasons for accurate identification and scoring of defects on inspection forms.
  9. Discussion about the LANTRA Bridge Inspector Certification Scheme.
  10. Bearings; types, identifying and reporting defects.


  1. Methods used to protect against corrosion and Highways Agency Specifications.
  2. Corrosion of structural steel and how bridge designs can affect it.
  3. Weathering Steel
  4. Enclosure systems


Standardised methods of repair for all defects will be examined and discussed.

Mode of Delivery:

The course is delivered as a power point presentation with regular discussion and an interactive exercise. There will be question and answer intended to involve the whole group with discussion about nearby structures and individual experiences. Some paper handouts will be given

Candidates will take a short written test the end of the day and those achieving the required standard will be issued with a certificate of achievement.

Intended For:

The course is aimed at inspectors, technicians and graduate engineers as an introduction to steel bridge inspecting, maintenance and repair or as a refresher for any candidate inspecting highway structures.

Pre-Course Requirements:

A basic understanding of bridge elements and maintenance processes within the organisation is required along with the enthusiasm to improve individual professional awareness.

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