Our Flood Risk Assessments (Scotland) training course has been designed for water professionals to have the knowledge to be able to complete Level 1 and Level 2 flood risk assessments.
As a result of the changing climate for developments Flood Risk Assessments have become an important part of the Planning Process. As a result Flood Risk which has historically been overlooked, for some developments can be the difference between obtaining or being refused planning permission.
The course does not go into the production of Level 3 assessments where hydraulic modelling of water courses is required.
Aims & Objectives:
On completion of this course, delegates will have the skills to be able to complete Level 1 and Level 2 flood risk assessments and:
- Identify the level of flood risk at a site;
- Understand the legislative requirements to complete a flood risk assessment;
- Establish the outline mitigation options for the proposed development in terms of flood risk.
What happens if flooding occurs, the Lead Local Flood Authority and their role, Section 19 investigation
Course Outline:
Introduction to Flood Risk
- Why do we need Flood Risk Assessments
- Types of Flood Risk
Legislation and Guidance behind Flood Risk Assessments
- PPS 25 / Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009
- Planning Policy Guidance (SEPA & Local authorities)
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessments (SEPA)
- Pitt Report
- Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (England)
The Flood Risk Assessment Process
- The Regulatory Regime
- Guidance (SEPA and CIRIA)
- The Sequential Test and the Exceptional Test
- Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Assessments
Level 1 Flood Risk Assessments
- Identifying Risk
- Considerations
Level 2 Flood Risk Assessments
- Site flood risk
- Mitigation options
Surface Water Management Assessments
- Control of runoff from development sites
- Surface water management methods and mitigation
Other Flood Risk Issues
- Groundwater Flooding
- Artificial Drainage Systems
- Infrastructure Failure
Lead Local Flood Authority and their role now and in the future
Mode of Delivery:
The course would be given using the following methods of delivery.
- Presentations
- Interactive Exercises
- Individual or Group Exercises
- Discussion
Intended For:
The course is intended for participants who wish to be able to understand and prepare both Level 1 and Level 2 flood risk assessments.
Pre-Course Requirements:
There are no pre-course requirements