Our Drainage course will examine the various aspects which can affect the performance of existing drainage networks and issues associated with constructing new systems. This will include the basic principles of the design in so far as they can affect the construction and ultimate performance of new and existing systems.
Please note: this course is offered on an in-house basis only.
This course is targeted at construction professionals to raise their awareness, knowledge and understanding of drainage.
Aims & Objectives:
The course will enable delegates to develop a deeper understanding of the construction and function of foul and surface water sewers and help delegates to:
- Identify typical examples of above and below ground drainage systems
- Identify and understand the operation of different components within a drainage system
- Understand how to undertake a survey of an existing drainage system
- Understand the parameters that are required to design a new drainage system
- Consider, in the context of drainage, health and safety, workmanship and testing
- Understand the options available to maintain or rehabilitate drainage systems
- Gain an appreciation of Sustainable Drainage Systems
Course Outline:
The course will include:
- Introduction
- A brief history of sewers
- Types of drainage systems (foul water, storm water, pumped systems, land drainage)
Who needs drainage?
- Drainage required on various types of development.
Existing drainage systems
- Components of a piped drainage system (pipes, manholes, rodding eyes, overflows etc.)
- Tracing existing systems
- Topographical and CCTV surveys
- Recording information
- Determining whether the sewer is adopted
New piped drainage systems
- Parameters that influence a drainage layout
- Sewers for Adoption or Building Regulations.
- Laying out a new drainage system
- Pipe sizing, falls and self-cleansing velocities
- Selecting pipe materials
- Pipe strength and bedding
- Special protection measures and movement joints
- Approvals and permissions (Building Regulations, S104 or Consent to Discharge)
Construction and Workmanship
- Health and safety precautions
- Workmanship issues
- Testing and inspections
Drainage maintenance and pipe rehabilitation
- Cleaning
- Structural failures
- Pipe rehabilitation
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
- Components of a SuDS drainage system
- SuDS Management Train
- Adoption and Maintenance
Mode of Delivery:
- General introduction followed by assessment of needs and capabilities of delegates
- Presentation by tutor using PowerPoint, with illustrations, photographs etc.
- Group and individual exercises
- Course review and summary
- End of course Assessment
Intended For:
Construction professionals that wish to improve their understanding of drainage.