Temporary Works Supervision - Introduction for Site Engineers/Supervisors


Temporary works (T.W.) are an essential component of any construction project. The success or failure of a project often depends on the proper design and execution of the T.W. approach adopted.
The newly revised B.S. 5975:2008 has been extensively modified to cover the control and supervision of T.W. and address concerns on Health and Safety issues. It is therefore important that site supervisors are aware of current standards that affect them and they need to be alert to potential problem areas that can arise in T.W.

Aims & Objectives:

This course aims to improve the delegates' ability to supervise and monitor the implementation of commonly encountered T.W. methods

On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Appreciate the importance and function of T.W. relating to overall project objectives
  • Be able to produce risk assessments for conventional T.W. systems
  • Understand the function and importance of permits to load/unload T.W.
  • Appreciate the control structure for T.W. site operations required by BS 5975
  • Avoid many of the common pitfalls found in conventional T.W.
  • Establish how to find information relevant to loads applied to typical T.W. systems
  • Know how to identify and react to changes arising on site can have significant effects on T.W. performance
  • Appreciate the inspection and checking procedures and responsibilities of those in charge of T.W.

Course Outline:

  • The role of T.W. in construction projects
  • Legal and contractual issues in T.W.
  • Relationship between BS5975 and Health and Safety legislation
  • The rational behind BS5975 - the code of practice for falsework
  • The loads that the T.W. are required to support
  • Scaffold and support systems - types and key stability issues
  • Formwork - basic components, methods and performance issues
  • Underpinning - methods and critical issues
  • Piling - types and operational issues
  • Earthworks - excavation, trenching and embankments, effects of ground water and changing conditions
  • Influence of the site environment on T.W. - access, services, adjacent paths roads and railways, drainage etc
  • Cranes - types, limitations, and ground interaction
  • Checking and inspection process for T.W.
  • Assessing risks in temporary works

Mode of Delivery:

  • An examination and discussion of key issues, using PowerPoint presentation
  • Discussion of problems that have occurred and an explanation of how they could have been avoided
  • Group Exercises in preparing a risk assessment for specific site conditions
  • Discussion and review

Participants will:

  • Be more effective in performing their roles and duties with respect to T.W.
  • Have an increased ability to detect site factors that may compromise the successful implementation of a T.W. design
  • Understand the sensitivity of standard T.W. systems to changes that can cause potential failure or collapse.


Intended For:

  • Site supervisors
  • Less experienced and/or recently qualified engineers
  • Site safety advisors

Pre-Course Requirements:

Delegates should:

  • Have a background awareness of basic temporary works
  • Have experience of site operations
  • Be involved in the supervision of construction works
  • Complete a pre-course questionnaire

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