Sustainable Development and Sustainable Construction

Our Sustainable Development and Sustainable Construction course aims to provide an overview of sustainable construction and development and gives the benefits of sustainable construction and ensures employees aspiring to Membership of one of the construction related professional bodies are fully briefed on the requirements of these Institutions.

Also available as an online training course.

Please note the online version of this training course will be split into modules.


Sustainable Development now forms an integral part of business planning and management of Construction Organisations. Clients require organisations working for them to adhere to sustainability principles, and contractors and consultants need to embrace these principles for efficiency and effective operational purposes. In construction, there is continuing pressure to demonstrate that environmental sustainability is satisfied in development projects and that these projects are constructed using sustainable construction methods.

Aims & Objectives:

At the end of the course delegates will:

  • have a better appreciation of the importance of whole-heartedly embracing sustainable principles in all facets of their work
  • be fully conversant with the requirements,Core Competences and Attributes of the appropriate Institutions

Course Outline:

  • Setting the scene - why sustainability?
  • The Institution of Civil Engineers' perspective
  • Sustainable Development and procurement issues
  • What is Sustainable Construction, and its benefits?
  • Construction Waste Management and Minimisation
  • Sustainable Construction Policy
  • Sustainable Construction Techniques
  • Environmental Management Systems to ISO14001
  • How do we measure outcomes? Are we getting what we think we are?
  • ICE Attributes and how to achieve them
  • The Reviewers' perspective - at the Review
  • Course Round-up and Review

Tutor presentations, group and individual exercises, and exemplars, will be used as appropriate in the course.

Intended For:

Potential candidates for the ICE Reviews - all options - Delegated and Supervising Civil Engineers and any employees who wish to update their sustainability perspective.

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