Temporary Works and Historic Buildings


It is often relatively easy to decide what long term repairs and alterations are needed to make an existing and perhaps historic structure safe and ready to continue its life. How to achieve these ends safely is frequently much more difficult.

This course aims to explain something of the philosophy of dealing with historic structures, to outline how traditional buildings work and to look at various means of dealing with the necessary temporary works that may well include both scaffolding and temporary shoring. Badly installed scaffolding and temporary work can cause damage or partial collapse of the historic structure and personal injury.

Aims & Objectives:

Attendance at the course will give a greater understanding of the philosophy of building conservation and how temporary works and scaffolding can impact on this

Course Outline:

  • Session 1 – an introduction to the philosophy of the conservation of historic structures and a reminder of how traditional structures work
  • Session 2 – Access scaffolding to historic structures and some case studies
  • Session 3 - Looking at problems with historic buildings and why they may need temporary support. To consider responsibility
  • Session 4 – Temporary works case studies

Mode of Delivery:

The sessions will be teaching sessions, copiously illustrated with case studies and will include short group exercises with plenty of opportunity for questions and discussions.

Benefits of Attending:

Attendance at the course will give a greater understanding of the philosophy of building conservation and how temporary works and scaffolding can impact on this.

Intended For:

The course is intended for anyone, professional or craft, who is involved in the conservation and refurbishment of older existing buildings of traditional construction be they considered of sufficient historic value to be listed or not.

Pre-Course Requirements:

There are no pre-course requirements

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