Subcontractor Procurement and Management – Stage 2


Specialist Sub-Contractors exist for every trade within the Construction Industry and as such they form a large proportion of any Contractor’s expenditure. It is therefore essential that these resources are procured and managed in an effective and cost efficient manner to ensure a successful outcome.

Aims & Objectives:

This course picks up from where the Stage 1 course left off, and aims to provide course delegates with an understanding and the ability to effectively manage Sub-Contractors once they are on site, addressing typical problem areas.


Learning outcomes:


On completion of this course, delegates will be better prepared to address the many issues that the Subcontracting process raises post-award by understanding the importance of:


  • following contractual procedures;
  • implementing effective management techniques; and
  • Issuing appropriate notifications.

Course Outline:

Topic areas covered on this course include:


  • Evaluation of pre-course exercise
  • Issuing of Instructions
  • Quality and Defects
  • Payment
  • Contra Charging
  • Monitoring of Progress
  • Drafting appropriate notices
  • Labour and Plant returns/Allocation Sheets
  • Termination of Sub-contract

Mode of Delivery:

  • An interactive discussion using a PowerPoint presentation;
  • Group and individual exercises applying general good practice to actual work situations.

Benefits of Attending:

To understand and appreciate the necessity for a structured approach to the management of Sub-contractors and apply relevant good practice throughout.

Intended For:

The course is aimed at all those who engage with sub-contractors in the construction process including both office and works supervisory staff.

Pre-Course Requirements:

Delegates should:


·         Have a knowledge of site construction operations;

·         Have completed the pre-course exercise for review/discussion.

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